What Our Clients Say

Carlsen&E has facilitated several workshops on Matrix Collaboration for leaders at all levels in Haldor Topsoe’s global matrix organization including senior executives. The workshops have been been very well received, participant ratings have been high and participants voice that the workshops provided new tools and perspectives, which immediately helped them to more seamless and value creating collaboration across our global matrix. Eva Stenby comes across as a highly skilled group facilitator who quickly gains trust and credibility and easily adresses leaders of diverse nationality, seniority and professional background. I can warmly recommend Eva to support you in making your organization creating value much more efficiently.

Pia Møller Appel, HR Director, Haldor Topsøe

CG Jensen A/S is a relatively young company, where the real driving force in almost everything we do has had deep roots in a strong community from the beginning. For the same reason, we call our company—with a twinkle in our eye—a “family business.” We are nothing but super proud of that.

We were aware from the start that it is a “never ending process” to secure our values ​​while we grow, and yet our own initiatives to maintain, spread and develop our culture and cohesion all too often became too diffuse. And not least, communication between us became more difficult to rein in.

Therefore, we chose to “look over the hedge” quite quickly and select Carlsen&E to help us. We have never regretted it! For us, their support and management have not only been a welcome eye-opener in a number of important areas; Carlsen&E has implicitly contributed significantly to maintaining much of what we are most concerned about preserving: Our enthusiasm for work through professionalism, community and mutual respect.

When it comes to promoting internal unity, constructive cooperation and good communication—and overall a structured and continuous implementation of core values—I can therefore only give Carlsen&E my warmest recommendations.

Michael S. Larsen, CEO, CG Jensen A/S

The openness that Carlsen&E has introduced into the cross-cultural organization has made it easy to welcome new colleagues, e.g., after acquiring former competitors. New colleagues are swiftly included, and our network offers itself to the newcomers in a very open and trustful way. And now, our culture at NIC brands itself as a very attractive employer. The positive effect of that culture is also visible in the collaboration with other parts of Orkla Food Ingredients as well as customers, suppliers and external partners.

Tor Osmundsen, CEO NIC Group, Orkla Food Ingredients

We built up robustness, presence and greater understanding for each other in Bisca’s management group. It also gave us greater openness towards the rest of the organization. The group was equipped to make difficult decisions while maintaining high integrity and dignity towards both themselves and others. Methodologically, there was a good balance between personal development and strategic problem solving.

Else Pedersen, now Project Manager Næstved Municipality and Michael Budtz Berthelsen, now CEO Vega Sea A/S

Eva took the leaders from the S-Train workshop on a journey towards collaboration and mutual understanding. The journey spanned a number of workshops with a strong focus on openness in the group. Eva is good at seizing the moment and using and pursuing the examples from everyday life that naturally emerged. No one was given the opportunity to withdraw before a specific matter was discussed to the end. Eva has the courage to say the things that everyone else is only thinking, and she pushed until we got to where it “came a little close” – but in a competent and pleasant way and always with a twinkle in her eye.

What we took away from the leadership training was a better understanding of the value of collaboration and the methods, tasks and goals of individual leaders. Eva gave us a number of good and tangible leadership tools. Afterwards, for example, you can often hear a leader say “say something more” when you just need to buy some time to think or take the sting out of a situation that is about to escalate.

Ken Wisler-Poulsen, production manager, DSB S-train

For the manager, this has simply been like dope and for the employees, a well-placed vitamin injection. Try it!

At our annual professional day at Sophion A/S, the highlight was a workshop on Radical Collaboration. Eva Stenby made the concepts clear to all of us with theory and entertaining practice: the importance of working in a constructive zone. Added to personal experiences about defense mechanisms, we worked our way into an open space where new insights emerged and new collaborations saw the light of day. Here, four weeks later, everyday life is still very much characterized by constructive discussions, where there has been more room for the individual.

Morten Sunesen, now CEO Scanbur A/S

I have used Jens Carlsen as a speaker at a number of meetings for economists at Netværk Danmark. Jens is both funny and sharp as a speaker, and he manages to highlight the soft themes such as trust and cooperation as essential competencies in an otherwise very professional environment. He gives the audience some fantastic opportunities to reflect on their own behavior and discuss what works and what doesn’t work in relation to the specific challenges they face. Jens makes a great contribution with his good mix of theory, practice and illustrative exercises – and everyone takes home some aha moments.

Anya Borg, Network Manager, Netværk Danmark

After a two-day intensive group course at DNP with Eva and Jens from Carlsen&E, where the primary topics were communication and collaboration, you feel really well equipped to handle upcoming challenges. Both Eva and Jens really manage to make the participants feel safe and thereby also push boundaries. I can highly recommend both Eva Stenby and Jens Carlsen from Carlsen&E.

Nanna Feld, now Category Manager, Region Zealand

I have had the pleasure of working closely with Eva Stenby from Carlsen&E over a period of approximately nine months. After an initial conversation with Eva, I had no doubt that Carlsen&E was the right company to help develop my newly established leadership team. She quickly established a psychologically safe environment where everyone was actively engaged in the various activities and conversations, which led to us becoming a strong and united leadership team. Sufficient time was given for self-reflection, practice and feedback to each other, sharing personal stories—and only to the extent that everyone felt comfortable doing so. After completing the program, Eva and I have kept in touch and still catch up from time to time. I highly recommend Eva to support the building or development of leadership teams.

Lotte Basse Nielsen, CVP Novo Nordisk (former Sr. Director Global MSAT, LEO Pharma)

I have had the pleasure of 24 intense hours together with Carlsen&E. During those 24 hours, we in the project team at Skat pushed our limits in terms of authenticity and openness in the group. In addition to increased group dynamics, I subsequently experienced receiving more information, both from people who normally speak openly, as well as from others who normally do not share that much. We have increased the openness and trust between us—and everyone takes greater responsibility for sharing knowledge after Carlsen&E.

Kim Friland, now Project manager atp